木山裕策 / home
10726.make it a point to(~することにしている)
He makes it a point to help them with their homework whenever they ask.
When you use your smart phone or laptop for both work and fun, the line between work and your private life quickly blur.
Part of the reason is the exorbitant cost of dayare in the U.S.
10729.bring someone up to speed(人に必要な情報を与える、人に状況をのみこませる)
I have been away so could you bring me up to speed?
His wife is traipsing around the contry.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十八番琴引山神恵院/香川県観音寺市(2010/10/02)

He makes it a point to help them with their homework whenever they ask.
When you use your smart phone or laptop for both work and fun, the line between work and your private life quickly blur.
Part of the reason is the exorbitant cost of dayare in the U.S.
10729.bring someone up to speed(人に必要な情報を与える、人に状況をのみこませる)
I have been away so could you bring me up to speed?
His wife is traipsing around the contry.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十八番琴引山神恵院/香川県観音寺市(2010/10/02)
