American String Quartet No 12-2 movvement
10661.structural shift toward(~への構造的変化)
It reflects a structural shift toward a more international.
10662.take a serious look at(~を真剣に検討する)
They are taking a serious look at opprtunities in Asia.
10663.move up the career ladder(出世の階段を上る)
They can move up the career ladder faster than.
10664.cost of living(生活費)
The cost of living is often lower too.
The perks can be quite nice.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十六番巨鼈山雲辺寺/徳島県三好市(2010/10/02)

It reflects a structural shift toward a more international.
10662.take a serious look at(~を真剣に検討する)
They are taking a serious look at opprtunities in Asia.
10663.move up the career ladder(出世の階段を上る)
They can move up the career ladder faster than.
10664.cost of living(生活費)
The cost of living is often lower too.
The perks can be quite nice.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

四国八十八ヶ所 第六十六番巨鼈山雲辺寺/徳島県三好市(2010/10/02)