浜田省吾 - 丘の上の愛
14641.give a parting shot(捨て台詞を吐く)
The parting shots some of these people have given their employers are pretty imaginative and pretty funny.
14642.get mixed reactions(賛否両論の反応を見る)
HIs grandstanding got mixed reactions.
He was just being a show -off.
14644.chuck it all(何もかも投げ出す)
Everybody has at onc time or another felt like "chuck it all" in an attention-grabbing way.
It is certainly cathartic, but there can be long-term repercussions.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 豊島ハイキング(2013/06/30)日本の正しい田舎。廃屋の様子だがここでどんな人たちが生活していたのだろうか?
The parting shots some of these people have given their employers are pretty imaginative and pretty funny.
14642.get mixed reactions(賛否両論の反応を見る)
HIs grandstanding got mixed reactions.
He was just being a show -off.
14644.chuck it all(何もかも投げ出す)
Everybody has at onc time or another felt like "chuck it all" in an attention-grabbing way.
It is certainly cathartic, but there can be long-term repercussions.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

香川県 豊島ハイキング(2013/06/30)日本の正しい田舎。廃屋の様子だがここでどんな人たちが生活していたのだろうか?