クリスタルキング 大都会 1987年12月31日
14891.step into the breach(代理を務める)
The company asked Pat to step into the breach.
I thinnk it's mainly used by Brits.
But as a Canuck, it's sometimes difficult to tell.
14884.stickler for(~にうるさい人)
My dad, by th way, was a stickler for what he considered proper English.
14895.steep leaarning curve(急こう配の学習曲線)
It can be a steep leaarning curve as Americans are.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The company asked Pat to step into the breach.
I thinnk it's mainly used by Brits.
But as a Canuck, it's sometimes difficult to tell.
14884.stickler for(~にうるさい人)
My dad, by th way, was a stickler for what he considered proper English.
14895.steep leaarning curve(急こう配の学習曲線)
It can be a steep leaarning curve as Americans are.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
