14941.solitary(ひとりの,ひとりぼっちの; 孤独の)
Penguins are not solitary animals and prefer to move about in groups.
I witnessed this firsthand when I visited Antarctica a number of years ago.
In the Southern Ocean are predator like sharks, whales and seals that feed on penguins.
14944.lethal(死の[を招く]; 致死の,致命的な)
The criminal on the run was a brutal one, carrying a lethal weapon.
The Arctic Ocean has almost the same area as Antarctica.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
瀬戸内海国立公園指定80周年記念行事キックオフイベント 春の備讃瀬戸ウォーク 鷲羽山コース/風の道~鷲羽山展望台~祇園神社~下津井の町並 (2014/3/15)
Penguins are not solitary animals and prefer to move about in groups.
I witnessed this firsthand when I visited Antarctica a number of years ago.
In the Southern Ocean are predator like sharks, whales and seals that feed on penguins.
14944.lethal(死の[を招く]; 致死の,致命的な)
The criminal on the run was a brutal one, carrying a lethal weapon.
The Arctic Ocean has almost the same area as Antarctica.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
瀬戸内海国立公園指定80周年記念行事キックオフイベント 春の備讃瀬戸ウォーク 鷲羽山コース/風の道~鷲羽山展望台~祇園神社~下津井の町並 (2014/3/15)