

Training Lessons once-in-a-lifetime chance (一期一会)

2014年11月12日 | a la carte

彼女はアメリカから来られたChristine.彼女のTraining Lessonに参加。近々研修を終えられAEON出雲校に赴任されるそうです。
I participate in Training Lesson of Christine. She came from the United States. The training is finished soon and seems to be started for the new post in AEON Izumo school. Everybody of Izumo thanking you in advance.


Daily Vocabulary(2014/11/12)

2014年11月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
15466.stand out in someone's mind(~に追いやられる、放り込まれる)
Are there any that stand out in your mind as paticularly effective or noticeable.
15467.school absenteeism(不登校、登校拒否)
I really like a recent campaign to reduce school absenteeism.
15468.as the years go by(時が経つにつれて)
Poor attendance can mean big problem for students as the years go by.
15469.be aimed at(~を対象としている)
The ads were aimed at parents.
15470.cover all the bases(万全の手を打っておく、あらゆるものを対象にする)
It covered all the bases:TV, radio, billboards, print media and the Internet.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
