


2014年11月13日 | a la carte
明日どうなるか 分からないけれども 今日一日 笑顔でいよう
辛いことは 多いけれども 今日一日 明るいこころでいよう
嫌なことも あるけれども 今日一日 やさしい言葉をかけよう


2014年11月13日 | 爺英語

This year's Nobel Peace Prize is going to two champions of the rights of children. The award committee is honoring an Indian and a Pakistani teenager.

"Nobel Peace Prize for 2014 is to be awarded to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their struggle against suppression of young people and children and children's rights to education."

Satyarthi has protested for over three decades against exploitation of children. He also founded a volunteer group to stop child labor.
Malala Yousafzai has called on world leaders to support the right to education for all women and children. At 17, she's the youngest Nobel laureate in history.

(Malala Yousafzai / Nobel Peace Prize Winner)
"This is really an encouragement for me to go forward and to believe in myself to know that there are people who are supporting me in this campaign and we are standing together. We all want to make sure that every child gets quality education."

champion 権利などの)擁護者
exploitation  搾取
found  設立する
callon   求める
laureate       受賞者
make sure     確認する

Daily Vocabulary(2014/11/13)

2014年11月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
15471.take a note of(~に注目する、注視する)
I took a note of that campaign .
15472.let the numbers tell a story(数字に~を語らせる)
It was another good exsample of letting the numbers tell a story in a very graphical and direct way.
15473.black and white(白黒、モノクロ)
They are shown in color while he was in black and white.
15474.get left behind(取り残される)
There was a voice-over urging parents to make sure their children attend school regularly so they don't get left behind.
15475.have a second life(再生する、第二の人生がある)
Recyclable materials have a second lives instead of being thrown into gabage dumps.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
