冬が来る前に 紙ふうせん
15501.head monk(住職)
We should go and talk to the head monk of the village temple.
15502.late into the night(夜遅くまで)
One day, the prince was studying late into the night.
There is a crosswalk, but there is no traffic light.
They are usually custom-made. So his size is perfect.
15505.That's nothing(そんなのどうってことありませんよ)
Oh, that's nothing. I bought you 100 cars!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
We should go and talk to the head monk of the village temple.
15502.late into the night(夜遅くまで)
One day, the prince was studying late into the night.
There is a crosswalk, but there is no traffic light.
They are usually custom-made. So his size is perfect.
15505.That's nothing(そんなのどうってことありませんよ)
Oh, that's nothing. I bought you 100 cars!
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News