◆U1. うみ(小學唱歌・みんなの歌)
18226.no one will so much as blink(誰も驚きの目でみることさえしない)
No one will so much as blink if you leave the offfice when tour official working hours are over.
18227.live up to(~に応える、~に恥じない行動をする)
I better live up to compliment by getting back to work.
18228.keep some slack(少しのんびりする)
I do try to keep some slack.
18229.healing effect(治療効果、癒しの効果)
It greatly reduces the healing effect of a vacation.
Anyway let me reassure you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

No one will so much as blink if you leave the offfice when tour official working hours are over.
18227.live up to(~に応える、~に恥じない行動をする)
I better live up to compliment by getting back to work.
18228.keep some slack(少しのんびりする)
I do try to keep some slack.
18229.healing effect(治療効果、癒しの効果)
It greatly reduces the healing effect of a vacation.
Anyway let me reassure you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News