

Daily Vocabulary(2016/07/15)

2016年07月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
18296.at one's peril(危険を覚悟で、自分の責任で)
If people must be allowed, in whatever concerns only themselves, to act as seems best to themselves at their peril.
18297.at the heart of(~の中心に、心臓部で)
We have to get at the heart of the matter.
18298.at the risk of(…の危険を冒しても、…を賭(と)して、…は承知のうえで)
At the risk of seeming rude, I must refuse your offer. .
18299.the witching hour(魔女の横行する夜半, 丑(うし)三つ時)
It is the witching hour of night.
18300.at a risk(危険な状態で)
He saved others at a risk of his life.
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