NHK has learned an unprecedented change in modern Japan could take place in the near future. Sources from the Imperial Household Agency tell us that Japan's Emperor Akihito intends to step down in the coming years. He has been informing close aides that he will hand over the throne to his eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito.
The Emperor is 82 and has reigned for 28 years since he succeeded his father, Emperor Showa, whose given name was Hirohito. Sources say he wants to step down before he is too frail to fully carry out his duties, and they say he has already informed his family.
There are no legal provisions for abdication under the Japanese law governing the status of the Emperor, and an abdication would have more practical effects as well. The Japanese year-numbering system will reset when the current "Heisei" era ends and a new one begins under Crown Prince Naruhito. The current law on naming eras stipulates that the new name is supposed to emerge only after the Emperor dies and the succession takes place.
◆unprecedented 前例のない
◆step down 退く、退任する
◆aide 側近
◆crown prince 皇太子
◆reign 在位する
◆frail 体の弱った
◆carry out one's duty 職務を果たす
◆provision (法律の)条項
◆abdication 退位、譲位
◆stipulate 規定する、明記する
◆succession 継承