


2016年07月07日 | 爺英語

More restaurants in Japan are catering to people trying to avoid fattening food. The businesses are coming out with low-calorie dishes made from healthy ingredients.
One example is a leading chain specializing in a kind of Japanese pancake called "okonomiyaki." The dish is normally made from a variety of ingredients, including vegetables, meat and seafood, and topped off with plenty of sauce and mayonnaise. The chain doubled the volume of vegetables in its dishes in April. All are domestically grown. A restaurant employee says the pancakes are unfairly seen as unhealthy, packing lots of calories.
A leading ramen chain opened a restaurant in Tokyo in April, catering to health-minded customers. The noodles contain half the normal sugar content. According to the chain's operator, customers who want to limit their sugar intake or avoid high-calorie food say they appreciate having new, healthier choices.
cater to  ~の要求などに応じる
fattening  太るもとになる
top off [A] with [B]  AをBで仕上げる
unfairly  不当に
sugar content  糖含量、糖質
intake  摂取(量)、取り入れ(量)

Daily Vocabulary(2016/07/07)

2016年07月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
18256.Hold your horses(ちょっと待て、落ち着け)
Hold your horses.
18257.through try and error(試行錯誤を通じて)
Through try and error you adopt the parenting style that works est for you.
18258.Experience is often the best teacher(経験はたいてい最良の師)
Experience is often the best teacher.
18259.shoot the breeze(おしゃべりをする)
I sit down with him, shoot the breeze, and simply be there for him .
18260.make a point of(必ず~する)
I made a point of not talking down to him.
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