A young adventurer from Japan is scaling the heights of mountaineering literally. The 19-year-old university student has become the youngest Japanese to climb the highest peaks on all seven continents.
Supporters of Marin Minamiya say she finished her quest in Alaska on July 4th by reaching the summit of Denali. It's the tallest mountain in North America and was known until last year as Mount McKinley. Minamiya began her journey up the 6,190-meter peak in June. The previous month, she reached the summit of Mount Everest. She's the youngest Japanese to ever stand atop the world's highest mountain.
Minamiya wrote about the climb on her Facebook page, saying she "did it" and felt "a sense of accomplishment." Supporters say she began her mission to conquer all seven peaks in January of last year.
◆scale the heights 頂点を極める
◆mountaineering 登山
◆quest 探求、追求
◆atop ~の頂上に
◆sense of accomplishment 達成感
◆conquer 征服する、制覇する