


2016年08月25日 | 爺英語

It was hot out, the dogs were lined up, but with good reason.
Four veterans came to Capitol Hill today to receive the nation's highest honor for their service and sacrifice. Heroic hounds who served with unending devotion, loyalty, and yes, the occasional slobber. Dogs like Sergeant Fieldy, who bravely served four combat tours in Afghanistan. And Isky T116, his service number tattooed there in his ear. The military says he saved countless lives, sniffing out explosives.
(Mary Bruce / ABC News)
"Isky here is a life saver."
(Sgt. Wes Brown)
"He is, yes, brought a lot of people home and brought me home."
Including Army Sergeant Wes Brown. Both injured in the field, now both helping each other off the field.
(Sgt. Wes Brown)
"I feel safe with him every time we go anywhere."
Capitol Hill  米連邦議会議事堂
hound  犬、猟犬
slobber  よだれ
sergeant  軍曹
tour  (軍隊の)海外勤務
tattoo  入れ墨をする
countless  無数の、数えきれない
sniff out  嗅ぎつける、嗅ぎ出す

Daily Vocabulary(2016/08/25)

2016年08月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
That girl couldn't take things down in longhand ,let alone shorthand.
18502.in no uncertain terms(単刀直入に)
He spoke in no uncertain terms.
18503.in one way or another(何らかの形で、方法で)
The characters of a novel may all be regarded as representing the writer in one way or another.
18504.in question(論議されている、問題の、当の)
She is the main person in charge of the matter in question.
You should definitely try out some genuine sushi.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
