18471.expiration date(有効期限)
Material possession always have an expiration date.
18472.as time passes(時が経つにつれて)
You get less and less satisfactions from them as time passes.
No one has ever said on their deathbed.
Life is not about the tangibles.
18475.distant relative(遠い親戚)
I wish I'd spent more time with my father learning about my distant relative.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Material possession always have an expiration date.
18472.as time passes(時が経つにつれて)
You get less and less satisfactions from them as time passes.
No one has ever said on their deathbed.
Life is not about the tangibles.
18475.distant relative(遠い親戚)
I wish I'd spent more time with my father learning about my distant relative.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News