フォレスタ 蛍の光
18436.check out(~を調べる、~を確かめる)
We use our smartphones to compare prices and check out reviews .
18437.place an order with(~に注文する)
We can place an order with online retailer.
Our online reputation is really critical to our business, isn't it?
18439.every so often(時々、時折)
Every so often there's a terrible one.
18440.be subject to(~を受ける、~にさらされる)
We are subject to a constant barrage of information fromsocial media, image sharing and peer recommendations.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
We use our smartphones to compare prices and check out reviews .
18437.place an order with(~に注文する)
We can place an order with online retailer.
Our online reputation is really critical to our business, isn't it?
18439.every so often(時々、時折)
Every so often there's a terrible one.
18440.be subject to(~を受ける、~にさらされる)
We are subject to a constant barrage of information fromsocial media, image sharing and peer recommendations.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News