

TO CATCH A THIEF ハイテク車上狙いの防止法

2016年08月18日 | 爺英語

Next tonight, the consumer alert for millions of drivers ― hi-tech thieves are now breaking into cars by attaching a device you don't even see.
These may just look like average car owners, but police say they are thieves who have broken into the cars, using a hi-tech hack. No smashed windows here, but still in Westminster, California, police say three crooks got in essentially by replicating the car's key fob used for key less entry.
Here is one way to do it. Criminals attach homemade devices, like this one, underneath cars.
(Security researcher)
"As soon as the user of the car unlocks their vehicle, this now has a code that is stored, that can be used later on."
Most of the time, key fob thieves take off with things in the car. But if the key fob comes with a key less ignition too, police say criminals can take off with the whole car.
Experts say there is an easy way to prevent a key fob theft. When you go ahead and close the door, don't just lock it once. Hit that button several times. That is going to reset the codes, making those stolen codes totally useless.
attach  取り付ける
hack  (斧などの)道具、(コンピューターの)ハッキング
smash  粉砕する
crook  悪党、泥棒
essentially  本質的に
replicate  複製する
key fob  キーフォブ(小型ICリモコン)
underneath  ~の下に
ignition  (エンジンの)点火装置

Daily Vocabulary(2016/08/18)

2016年08月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
18466.create bond(絆を生む)
Sharing experience like those withe friend or family create bond .
Iyt was a top-of-the-line Home entertainment system.
18468.in a historical context(歴史的背景において)
This trend is very interesting in a historical context.
18469.interesting enough(興味深いことに)
Interesting enough, there are studies that show this shift in attitudes in in large part due to the popularity of some recent scientific studies.
Those kind of experiences are priceless.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


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