ちあきなおみ/四つのお願い 昭和45年
18496.brave the elements(厳しい自然の力に立ち向かう)
I braved the elements and climbed the mountain.
18497.in a big way(大規模に、派手に)
He likes to do things in a big way.
18498.in a natural setting(自然環境の中で))
Tom was originally the cooking of South American cowboys, and it is best to have it outside in a natural setting.
18499.in a nutshell(簡単に言えば)
I will put it in a nutshell.
18500.in droves(大挙して)
Baseball fans will be arriving in droves from early in the morning.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Her futuristic
I braved the elements and climbed the mountain.
18497.in a big way(大規模に、派手に)
He likes to do things in a big way.
18498.in a natural setting(自然環境の中で))
Tom was originally the cooking of South American cowboys, and it is best to have it outside in a natural setting.
18499.in a nutshell(簡単に言えば)
I will put it in a nutshell.
18500.in droves(大挙して)
Baseball fans will be arriving in droves from early in the morning.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Her futuristic