丸山圭子 どうぞこのまま
Tom is a bigflirt.
19527.cross my heart(誓います)
I can. cross my heart.
19528.fall for(~を好きになる)
I've fallen for Yoko.
19529.getup the courage to(勇気を奮い起こして~する)
I just can't get up the courage to ask you to dance.
19530.in a heartbeat(すぐさま、即)
Mary would dance with you in a heartbeat.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Tom is a big
19527.cross my heart(誓います)
I can. cross my heart.
19528.fall for(~を好きになる)
I've fallen for Yoko.
19529.getup the courage to(勇気を奮い起こして~する)
I just can't get up the courage to ask you to dance.
19530.in a heartbeat(すぐさま、即)
Mary would dance with you in a heartbeat.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News