

Daily Vocabulary(2018/04/26)

2018年04月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
21531.Every now and then(時々、時折)
I eat ice cream every now and then. I get a sudden crave.
21532.almost always(ほぼ必ず)
I almost always floss my teeth before I go to bed.
21533.call it a day(その日の仕事などを「切り上げる」や「終わりにする」)
Let's call it a day and go home.
21534.wrap it up(取り組んでいる仕事や作業を「仕上げる」「完成させる」「終わりにする」)
I'll be there as soon as I wrap this up.
21535.the last straw(我慢の限界になるきっかけ)
That's 5 night in a row. She said that was the last straw.

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