

徒然草 第七十六段

2020年12月01日 | 徒然草を読む





Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/01)

2020年12月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
26336.play it by ear(臨機応変にやる / その場の状況に合わせてやる)to act as the situation demands, without a preconceived plan; improvise 
Let's not worry about it now. We'll just play it by ear. 
26337.on the fly(その場の判断で)If you do something on the fly, you do it quickly without thinking about it or planning it in advance, especially while something else is happening. 
It's been tough. I'm learning everything on the fly.
26338.go the extra mile(期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする )to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort 
He always goes the extra mile for us. 
26339.go above and beyond(期待をはるかに上回る) 
You can expect me to go above and beyond of what is required.
26340.down the road(将来いつか / 今後 / そのうち) in the future, especially at a later stage in a process    
I want to tap into the European market but that's at least 3 years down the road

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