

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/21)

2020年12月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26436.stay out of someone's hair(人の邪魔をしないでいる )
People compared notes on how hard it was to concentrate on work while trying to make sure their kids did their schoolwork and stayed out of their hair.  
26437.rinse(すすぐ、ゆすぐ)When you rinse something, you wash it in clean water in order to remove dirt or soap from it. 
After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water. .
26438.grimace(しかめっ面)If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain. 
He took another drink of his coffee. 'Awful,' he said with a grimace. . 
26439.frown(まゆをひそめる) When someone frowns, their eyebrows become drawn together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating.  
I suffered from homesickness during the first few months of college.
26440.border(国境)The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line.  
the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. 

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