


2020年12月09日 | 爺英語
Officials in Taiwan have decided not to renew the broadcast license of a popular pro-China cable news channel.
The National Communications Commission on Wednesday rejected the application from CTiTV. Its current license is due to expire next month.
The commission cited repeated instances of inaccurate reporting. It also said a major shareholder had interfered in CTiTV's operations.
CTiTV is criticizing the ruling, alleging that it's politically motivated.
Taiwan's pro-China Nationalist Party says the move will undermine freedom of the press. But the Taiwanese government, which is led by the Democratic Progressive Party, is standing by the decision.
It says the commission is an independent body whose members are approved by parliament.
Taiwan is widely seen as having one of the most open media environments in Asia.

undermine むしばむ、損なう、弱体化させる   to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective    
stand by   支持する    to stay loyal to someone and support them, especially in a difficult situation

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/09)

2020年12月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
26376.not much chance of(~の可能性がない)
There's not much chance of rain, but 'm going to take umbrella just in case
26377.risky(危険が伴う)involving danger; perilous 
It's too risky to buy shares at the moment. So, wait until the market is more stable.
26378.give it try(やってみる)
OK, I'll give it try
26379.warn of(警告する) 
They 're warning of a snow storm for this weekend. 
26380.spot on(ぴったり、完全い合っている) absolutely correct; very accurate
What you say is spot on.

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