天使のセレナーデ ポール・モーリア La chanson pour Anna Paul Mauriat
26471.secret intention(下心)
Then he had secret intentions of leaving at that time
26472.dawn on(~に理解され始める) If a fact or idea dawns on you, you realize it.
It suddenly dawned on me that this would never work
26473.inside out(裏返し)If something such as a piece of clothing is inside out, the part that is normally inside now faces outwards.
She wore her clothes inside-out.
26474.spoiler(ネタバレ) A spoiler is information about the plot of a TV series, film, or book that could spoil the enjoyment of someone who has not yet seen or read it.
Warning! This review contains spoilers.
26475.come out(出てくる、出る、現われる、抜ける、世に出る) When a new product such as a book or CD comes out, it becomes available to the public.
He has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a vigilante.
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