

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/27)

2020年12月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
26466.parent's house(実家) 
When do you think you can arrive at my parents' house in Kyoto?  
26467.reconsider( 考え直す)to think again about something in order to decide if you should change your opinion or do something different  
I realize your dream is important to you, but could you perhaps reconsider?
26468.stay out of someone's hair((人)の邪魔をしないでいる )
People compared notes on how hard it was to concentrate on work while trying to make sure their kids did their schoolwork and stayed out of their hair.  
26469.short on cash(金欠状態 )  
I'm short on cash.
26470.questionnaire(アンケート) a written set of questions which you give to a large number of people in order to collect information 
The questionnaire was helpful. 

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