

Daily Vocabulary(2022/07/21)

2022年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
28996.sloppy (だらしない ) not done carefully or thoroughly SYN careless
This is a sloppy job. Do it over.
28997.irresponsible (だらしない / いい加減 )doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results OPP responsible
I wouldn't trust him with money. He is financially irresponsible
28998.have a tendency to (〜する傾向がある ) if someone or something has a tendency to do or become a particular thing, they are likely to do or become it
I have a tendency to put things off until the last minute. 
28999.good enough (十分に良い )
I feel like your English is good enough to work for a foreign company. 
29000.raise (昇給する)American English an increase in the money you earn SYN rise
I got a raise today. I’m shocked because it was totally unexpected.