P.チャイコフスキー/「くるみ割り人形」より 花のワルツ
29001.I love that (それはいいね )
I love that. That’s a great metaphor and it totally makes sense.
29002.have a seat at the table (何かを決定するポジションを得る )
You’ve been working there for over ten years. You deserve a seat at the table.
29003.set one's mind on(~しようと心に決める)to use all of something and not have any more left
He set his mind on becoming a professional golfer
29004.itinerary(旅程表)a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey
Prices for the above itineraries are based on charter flights from London to Bangkok.
29005.roux(ルー )a mixture of flour, butter, and milk that is used for making sauces
Did you remember to bring the curry roux?
I love that. That’s a great metaphor and it totally makes sense.
29002.have a seat at the table (何かを決定するポジションを得る )
You’ve been working there for over ten years. You deserve a seat at the table.
29003.set one's mind on(~しようと心に決める)to use all of something and not have any more left
He set his mind on becoming a professional golfer
29004.itinerary(旅程表)a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey
Prices for the above itineraries are based on charter flights from London to Bangkok.
29005.roux(ルー )a mixture of flour, butter, and milk that is used for making sauces
Did you remember to bring the curry roux?