29011.rave(どなる、わめく、夢中になってしゃべる、熱心に説く、激賞する ) an amount of something that is available to be used
Critics are raving about Max's new movie, "Citizen Powers."
29012.gist(要点、要旨、骨子 )the main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written
It's a long story, so I'll just give you the gist.
29013.boil down(要約する、要約される)informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause
Let me boil down the issue for you. It's all about coat.
29014.resemble(似ている)to look like or be similar to someone or something
Wow, you really resemble your dad.
29015.fill up(満たす、満タンにする)
Critics are raving about Max's new movie, "Citizen Powers."
29012.gist(要点、要旨、骨子 )the main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written
It's a long story, so I'll just give you the gist.
29013.boil down(要約する、要約される)informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause
Let me boil down the issue for you. It's all about coat.
29014.resemble(似ている)to look like or be similar to someone or something
Wow, you really resemble your dad.
29015.fill up(満たす、満タンにする)
Make sure to fill up your rental with gas before you drop it off.