

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/02)

2023年04月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
30261.just around the corner  (すぐ近くに)near 
Speaking of food, I'm going try new French restaurant I found just around the corner. 
30262.Would you care to join us(ご一緒しません)spoken formal used to ask someone politely whether they want to do something 
They say he's really good at lamb dishes, Would you care to join us?
30263.unfold ( 広げる、展開する)
What starts as a simple love story unfolds into  an exciting mystery.
30264.grateful (感謝して)feeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind that they have done, or showing this feeling OPP ungrateful 
I can express how grateful I am to you.
30265.lifesaver (命の恩人、苦境を救ってくれる人 )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
Thanks so much for taking my shift today. You're such lifesaver