


2023年04月05日 | 爺英語

A dancer from Japan has become one of the new stars of the world-renowned Paris Opera Ballet.
Hannah O'Neill is one of only a small number of foreigners to reach the revered “etoile” status.
The company announced O'Neill's promotion at the end of a performance at the Opera Garnier. The news was met with rapturous applause.
The Paris Opera Ballet says the 30-year-old is the first dancer from Japan to reach its highest rank.
O'Neill was born in Tokyo. Her mother is Japanese, and her father is from New Zealand.
She won the Prix de Lausanne in 2009 and was named best ballerina at the Benois de la Danse in Moscow in 2016.
The Paris Opera Ballet issued a congratulatory message, calling O'Neill a shining star of the ballet world.

 revere深く尊敬する、崇拝する、あがめる   formal to respect and admire someone or something very much
rapturous熱狂的な、有頂天の      expressing great happiness or admiration – used especially in news reports 
congratulatory 祝いの      to tell someone that you are happy because they have achieved something or because something nice has happened to them 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/05)

2023年04月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
30276.inexperienced    (経験が必要 )not having had much experience
Tom says he wants to be the leader of the new project, but I think he is still inexperienced. Do you think he can be trusted to lead the team? 
30277.That’s awesome! (凄いですね! )extremely impressive, serious, or difficult so that you feel great respect, worry, or fear 
You passed your test? That’s awesome
30278.figure out (自分で考えて理解する ) to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened 
I have to figure out a solution. 
30279.throw a party   (パーティーを開く )to organize a party and invite people 
I'm throwing a birthday party for Tom tomorrow. Can you make it? 
30280.clumsy(おっちょこちょい / ドジ / 不器用な )a clumsy action or statement is said or done carelessly or badly, and likely to upset someone 
You're so clumsy! I'll bring a kitchen towel right now.