April is a season for new beginnings here in Japan. It's not just the start of the new fiscal year — it also marks the start of school for millions of kids.
And this year, they're being overseen by a new government body.
An inauguration ceremony was held Monday at the Tokyo office for the Children and Families Agency.
(Kishida Fumio / Japanese Prime Minister)
“To create a society focused on children, the most important thing we can do is listen to their voices, take them seriously, and reflect their perspectives in our policies.”
The new agency covers some functions previously managed by the health and welfare ministry and other bodies.
It's tasked with handling child benefits and support for people going through pregnancy and childbirth.
It'll also handle nursery school services and issues facing kids like abuse, bullying, and poverty.
The government is hoping the agency and expanded childcare benefits will help raise Japan's plummeting birthrate.
And this year, they're being overseen by a new government body.
An inauguration ceremony was held Monday at the Tokyo office for the Children and Families Agency.
(Kishida Fumio / Japanese Prime Minister)
“To create a society focused on children, the most important thing we can do is listen to their voices, take them seriously, and reflect their perspectives in our policies.”
The new agency covers some functions previously managed by the health and welfare ministry and other bodies.
It's tasked with handling child benefits and support for people going through pregnancy and childbirth.
It'll also handle nursery school services and issues facing kids like abuse, bullying, and poverty.
The government is hoping the agency and expanded childcare benefits will help raise Japan's plummeting birthrate.
◆ oversee 見守る to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorily 類義語 supervise
◆ inauguration 就任、開始、発足
◆ take ~ seriously~に真摯に向き合う、~を真剣に受け止める
◆ child benefit 児童手当、子ども手当
◆ child benefit 児童手当、子ども手当
◆ abuse 虐待 cruel or violent treatment of someone
◆plummet(価格や数値が)急落する、急に減少するto suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount 類義語 plunge
◆plummet(価格や数値が)急落する、急に減少するto suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount 類義語 plunge