

Daily Vocabulary(2023/04/24)

2023年04月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
30371.sorely (痛ましく、痛んで、ひどく、はなはだしく、非常に )very much or very seriously 類義語 greatly 
I imagine you’ll be sorely missed by your colleagues. 
30372.A outweigh B(AがBを上回る )to be more important or valuable than something else 
The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages. 
30373.mixed feeling (複雑な心境;複雑な気持ち )
You will probably experience mixed feelings  when leave your current company.
30374.cherish  (大切にする)to love someone or something very much and take care of them well 
Please cherish the remaining days at your present firm.
30375.considerate   (思いやりのある)always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate 
It is very considerate of you.