30376.be happy to(喜んで~する )
I'd be happy to handle this job.
30377.readly(快く、ちゅうちょなく、二つ返事で、容易に、たやすく ) quickly and easily
This client readily accepted our first offer.
30378.jump at (飛びつく)to eagerly accept the chance to do something
I jumped at the chance to meet Sakurada Hiyori for dinner.
30379.rotate (回転する、循環する、自転する、交替する、輪番でする )to turn with a circular movement around a central point, or to make something do this /if a job rotates, or if people rotate jobs, they each do a particular job for a particular period of time
My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before starr a workout.
30380.brainteaser (難問、クイズ )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
Let’s do a little brainteaser to warm up before the test, shall we?