シューベルト: ピアノ五重奏曲「ます」:第4楽章[ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーション #癒し]
30391.How’s today treating you? (元気ですか)
How’s today treating you? Never been better. you doing better.
30392.have got to(~しなければならない )
How’s today treating you? Never been better. you doing better.
30392.have got to(~しなければならない )
This I 've got to hear. Have a seat .
30393.same old same old (相変わらずの / 代わり映えのない / いつもとおなじ )spoken used to say that a situation has not changed, when this is boring or annoying but you did not really expect it to change
Nothing interesting's going on - just same old same old.
I've never seen you look so down. Is every thing OK.
30395.in good mood (機嫌がよい)
You're certainly. in good mood today.
I've never seen you look so down. Is every thing OK.
30395.in good mood (機嫌がよい)
You're certainly. in good mood today.