30396.Don't tell me (まさか~ではないでしょうね )used to interrupt someone because you know what they are going to say or because you want to guess – used especially when you are annoyed
Don’t tell me. You got promoted.
30397.lead to(~につながる )
Don’t tell me. You got promoted.
30397.lead to(~につながる )
One lie lead to another.
30398.seize (掴む、捉える)to take hold of something suddenly and violently 類義語 grab
When the lead actor quit the film, HIyori seized the opportunity.
30399.settle in (慣れる)to begin to feel happy and relaxed in a new situation, home, job, or school
How are you settling in?
30400.take in (吸収する、新しく覚える )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
It’s been a lot to take in.
How are you settling in?
30400.take in (吸収する、新しく覚える )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
It’s been a lot to take in.