楽興の時 第3番(シューベルト)Schubert - Moments musicaux No.3 - pianomaedaful
30356.fringe benefit an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages
Let's talk about employ conditions, salary, bonuses, and fringe benefit.
30357.keep something in mind to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something
Let's talk about employ conditions, salary, bonuses, and fringe benefit.
30357.keep something in mind to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something
We'll keep in mind how you've come to that conclusion.
30358.be lucky enough to (幸運にも~する )used to say that someone is lucky or unlucky that something happens to them
If I'm lucky enough to be hired here, I'll work to contribute to that.
30359.challenging aspect (最も困難な点)the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of this position
30360.over the moon very happy
I was over the moon to hear good news.
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of this position
30360.over the moon very happy
I was over the moon to hear good news.