

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/02)

2023年10月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
31171.citrus (柑橘(かんきつ)類の植物 )a fruit with thick skin, such as an orange or lemon 
We tasted a white wine with good balance between refreshing citrus acidity and smooth sweetness.. 
31172.pick up (特徴、コツなどを掴む)
You all have picked up the characteristics very well. 
31173.have a grasp of(〜把握する)
You need to have a good grasp of the concept first. 
31174.fragrant (芳醇な、香り高い)
For yakitori glazed with sauce,this fragrant red would probably be an aideal partner. 
31175.What more could you want?(これ以上のものはないでしょう?
You just get a new car. What mopre could you want?