

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/23)

2023年10月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
31276.wasted/ trashed  (泥酔)
He was taking shots last night and got wasted
31277.hangout   a place someone likes to go to often 
There's a new outdoor mall that opened up by the train station. My son said it's a popular hangout for college students. 
31278.let the cat out of the bag (秘密を漏らす(ついうっかり)  )divulge confidential information or secrets/to tell someone a secret, especially without intending to 
I'm sorry. Jim knows about last week's party. I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag
31279.I wonder if  (〜かな?  )
I wonder if I should call her. 
31280.I was wondering if (〜してくれないでしょうか? 
I was wondering if you could drop me off at the train station.