亜麻色の髪の乙女 ドビュッシー
31226.at the location (現地で)
We're meeting at the location? Sounds good.
31227.sports festival (体育祭)
We're meeting at the location? Sounds good.
31227.sports festival (体育祭)
Our school is having its sports festival next Saturday.
31228.new kid on the block (あるグループの一番新しいメンバー ,新入り )
It’s not easy being the new kid on the block.
31229.for or against (賛成か反対か)
Are you for or against the plan?
31230.in favor of(~に賛成)
Everyone is in favor of the merger.
Are you for or against the plan?
31230.in favor of(~に賛成)
Everyone is in favor of the merger.