

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/01)

2023年10月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
31166.nibble (少しずつかじる )
Mice are so cute when they're nibbling on chese. 
31167.line up(一列に並ぶ、並べる)
There are so many people lining up to take pictures with the mascot. 
31168.exaggerate(大げさに言う、誇張する、強調しすぎる )
Don't exaggerate. Tell me what really happened.
31169.mislead (判断を誤らせる、誤解させる )
I'm sorry I mislead you. I'm not really millionaire. 
31170.white lie(罪ないい嘘、儀礼的なお世辞a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings 
I didn't think a little white lie would turn into such a big problem.