A Japanese organization has ranked the country's top cities for night views. For the first time, Yokohama has made the list. The YAKEI Convention & Visitors Bureau released the rankings last month. Yokohama came in at number two, alongside Kitakyushu and Nagasaki. It's the first time an area in greater Tokyo has made the list. Yokohama is notable for its Yorunoyo event. For several weeks, areas across the city, including the Minato Mirai waterfront, are lit up at night. Yokohama also holds fireworks displays at the local port. The ranking is presented every three years. The goal is to try to rejuvenate local communities by promoting their night views as tourist attractions. Kitakyushu came in first, retaining its number one spot. Both it and third-place Nagasaki are in the Kyushu region.
◆fireworks display 花火大会 to gradually reduce something such as someone’s power or confidence
◆rejuvenate 活性化する、若返らせる