32561.biased(偏った、偏見のある)unfairly preferring one person or group over another
There’s so much biased information out there.
32562.criterion(ものごとを判断する基準)a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something
There’s so much biased information out there.
32562.criterion(ものごとを判断する基準)a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something
There is only one smartphone that meets your criteria.
32563.attic(屋根裏部屋)a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things
Can you help me move some old toys from Kaori's bedroom to the attic?
32564.homebody (家で過ごすのが好きな人) someone who enjoys being at home
Tomoko is a homebody, but that doesn't mean she's shy.
32565.formative (形を作る、形成の )
Tomoko is a homebody, but that doesn't mean she's shy.
32565.formative (形を作る、形成の )
The music you listen to in your formative years stays with you forever.