

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/20)

2025年01月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32536.strike up a conversation(会話を始める)to start to become friendly with someone, to start talking to them, etc
I have a hard time striking up a conversation with someone I don’t know. 
32537.noticeable(目立つ  )easy to notice 
Is this stain on my shirt pretty noticeable
32538.would rather not (~したくない ) 
I’ll go with you if you really want me to but I’d rather not.
32539.confrontation (対立)a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups
I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible 
32540.Thanks to(せいで)
Thanks to him we are locked out. He left the keys in the car.