りんご節(青森県民謡)Ringo Bushi(Japanese Folk Song)【Apple melody】
32591.mark down(値下げする)a reduction in the price of something
Do brand-name bags ever get marked down?
32592.shut down(閉鎖する、停止する)if a company, factory, large machine etc shuts down or is shut down, it stops operating, either permanently or for a short time
I'm so sad. My favorite little cafe shut down.
32593.turn down(却下する、辞退する) to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven, radio etc so that it produces less heat, sound etc OPP turn up/to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
This offer is too good to turn down. Let’s go for it.
32594.site (場所、敷地、現場) a place where something important or interesting happened /an area of ground where something is being built or will be built
This is the site of a famous battle in Japanese history.
32595.position (位置、立場、姿勢)the way someone is standing, sitting, or lying
You're no position to criticize me.
Do brand-name bags ever get marked down?
32592.shut down(閉鎖する、停止する)if a company, factory, large machine etc shuts down or is shut down, it stops operating, either permanently or for a short time
I'm so sad. My favorite little cafe shut down.
32593.turn down(却下する、辞退する) to turn the switch on a machine such as an oven, radio etc so that it produces less heat, sound etc OPP turn up/to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
This offer is too good to turn down. Let’s go for it.
32594.site (場所、敷地、現場) a place where something important or interesting happened /an area of ground where something is being built or will be built
This is the site of a famous battle in Japanese history.
32595.position (位置、立場、姿勢)the way someone is standing, sitting, or lying
You're no position to criticize me.