29866.innards (ホルモン )the parts inside your body, especially your stomach 類義語 guts
WI'M not keen on innards.
29867.a bite (一口) a small meal
It taste great. Do you want to have a bite?
29868.housewife a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning etc, but does not have a job outside the house 類義語 homemaker, → house husband
WI'M not keen on innards.
29867.a bite (一口) a small meal
It taste great. Do you want to have a bite?
29868.housewife a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning etc, but does not have a job outside the house 類義語 homemaker, → house husband
I'm not working. I'm a housewife.
29869.clerical job (事務職 ) relating to office work, especially work such as keeping records or accounts
I have a clerical job.
29870.talkative someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet
My mom is talkative and my dad is serious.
I have a clerical job.
29870.talkative someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet
My mom is talkative and my dad is serious.