31191.think outside the box (既成概念に囚われない )
Keep thinking outside the box, and your future will be bright.
31192.feasible (実現可能な)a plan, idea, or method that is feasible is possible and is likely to work 類義語 possible
Keep thinking outside the box, and your future will be bright.
31192.feasible (実現可能な)a plan, idea, or method that is feasible is possible and is likely to work 類義語 possible
I don't think its feasible at the moment, but it's important think different
31193.force (力、暴力)
The police entered the man's house by force and arrested him.
31194.forcibly (無理矢理に、力づくで) using physical force
Refusing to leave, the protesters forcibly removed.
Do you think you could squeeze a meeting with me into your schedule?.
Refusing to leave, the protesters forcibly removed.
Do you think you could squeeze a meeting with me into your schedule?.