

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/24)

2023年11月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31436.play it by ear  (臨機応変にやる / その場の状況に合わせてやる )
I’m not sure yet. I’m just going to play it by ear
31437.on cloud nine  (至福の状態(である) ) to be very happy about something 
I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job. 
31438.in seventh heaven  (幸福の絶頂(にいる) ) to be extremely happy 
I just found out that I'm getting transferred to LA. That was my first choice. I'm in seventh heaven. 
31439.addictive  クセになる ) an activity that is addictive is so enjoyable that you do not want to stop
This snack is so addictive.
31440.can’t stop (やめられない、止められない 
I can’t stop eating these shrimp-flavored crackers. They’re so good! 

