31151.Give it a rest (いいかげんいしてくれませんか)
You are always comparing me to your mother, Give it a rest
31152.stab ~ in the back (~を裏切る)
You are always comparing me to your mother, Give it a rest
31152.stab ~ in the back (~を裏切る)
I didn't expected so-called best friend to stab me in the back.
31153.Ievel-headed (冷静な )calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions OPP hot-headed
That's not like you at all. You're always so level-headed.
31154.public figure (有名な人 )
As a public figure, you should be setting a good example
31155.You are asking for trouble(自業自得)
You are asking for trouble.You can't spend all day outside and not wear sunscreen.
As a public figure, you should be setting a good example
31155.You are asking for trouble(自業自得)
You are asking for trouble.You can't spend all day outside and not wear sunscreen.