31221.count on (~を頼りにする
You can count on me. I'll get the job done.
31222.It doesn't hurt to (〜しても損はない、 〜してみたら )
I know that he's really busy with work but it never hurts to ask. He might help you out.
31223.hurt someone’s feelings (人の気持ちを傷つける )
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it.
31224.hurt one's chance to/of (~するチャンスを駄目にする )
Barry Bonds is a great baseball player but his use of steroids hurts his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame.
31225. What if (もし〜だったらどうするの? )
What if there's traffic? You should leave early.
What if there's traffic? You should leave early.