

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/11)

2024年06月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32431.what floor is ~on(何階にありますか)someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people 
Excuse me. What floor is the gym on.
32432.intersection  a place where roads, lines etc cross each other, especially where two roads meet 類義語 junction British English 
Just turn right at that intersection. 
32433.crosswalk American English a specially marked place for people to walk across a street 類義語 pedestrian crossing British English 
 The other day, I almost ran down an old man in a crosswalk.
32434.trail(船跡、航跡、(獣の)臭跡、(捜索などの)手がかり、(荒野などの)踏みならされてできた道、(山中などの)小道 )
It's that way.  It's in the end of this trail.
32435.inclination  (傾向)a feeling that makes you want to do something 
There are some common inclinations, such as a love for sweetness. 

